产品特点: 本类产品由大豆中提取,经羟基化改性得到,可作为乳化剂、增稠剂使用。可自然降解。 磷脂不易溶于水和丙酮,易吸水膨胀为胶体,易溶于乙醚、苯、三氯甲烷等溶剂中,磷脂酰胆碱在热水或偏碱的条件下,具有较强的水包油(O/W)的乳化性,磷脂酰乙醇胺具有较强的油包水(W/O)乳化性。 本类产品适用于饲料、皮革、炸药等行业
: 产品型号 | NATPS-M200 | NATPS-M20 |
丙酮不溶物(%) | ≥58 | ≥60 |
水分(%) | ≤2.0 | ≤2.0 |
酸价(mg KOH/g) | ≤35 | ≤30 |
色值(Gardner值) | ≤16.00 | ≤16.00 |
己烷不溶物(%) | ≤1 | ≤0.5 |
粘度(cP,25℃) | ≤12000 | ≤1200 |
HLB值 | 6-10 | 6-10 |
包装材料安全等级符合 | 饲料级 | 食品级 |
特别性: 本品中含有至少35%的大豆油,作为能量饲料原料使用时,可以完全替代所使用的其它油脂。M型大豆磷脂经过改性后,其亲水性能有了较大提高,在生物体能消化分解时可以增加油脂于消化液的接触面积,从而提高整体油脂的消化吸收率。大豆磷脂中含磷量为2%,此部分磷元素为磷脂的结构部分。配方设计时可参考。
包装规格:本品采用200L 翻新铁桶包装,净重200kg 或20L 塑料桶,净重20kg。
。 Modified soy lecithin
Descriptions | Appearance | Acetone Insolubles, % | Hexane Insolubles, %max | Moisture, %max | Acid Value, KOHmg/g | Color, max | HLB |
Hydroxylated Soy Lecithin | Light Amber | 58-65 | 0.05 | 2 | 18-35 | 12 | 6.0-10 |
Properties: Syrup, easier to dissolve in water, and easier to disperse. HLB: 6-10. In water, it is stable O/W system.Applications:Besides characteristics of soy lecithin co
ncentrates and used in food industry and other industries, it is easier to dissolve in water and easier to disperse. The products are widely used in the daily chemicals such as cosmetics, washing and bath foam. The intake quantity: 5%-8%. To cake: Add into 1.5-3% quantity of the starch to improve the texture. To color, improve the solubility of oil-soluble pigment in water. The product work as disperse agent in high fat co
ntent substances and work as emulsifier in low fat salad jam.PackagingSteel Drum with Net weight 200Kg/drum;Storage and Shelf LifeThe products should be packed in closed system. Avoid exposure to light and moisture. Stored in refrigerating conditions. Shelf life is 12 months.StandardProfessio
nal Standard “Lecithin General Technical Conditions” (LS/T3225-1990) of P. R. China.